Wednesday, June 22, 2011

inspired by...

...Ana of Live & Enliven. Her post today was a series of absolutely beautiful horse photos. It reminded me of how much I love those animal beings and of the significant impact they have had on my life - both physical and spiritual. Get ready for a post HEAVY on photos - on my favorite photos. yourself a favor and read Ana's blog. When I "discovered" it through another blog a couple of months ago, I spent the entire night reading every post - well, almost every one...I couldn't quite finish. I will someday though. Read it. The light of her soul shines through every post.

Now, to horses...

Witaka Eye

Cinnamon Eye

Grey's Eye

Through the Wire


Kaytee Eye


  1. Oh my goodness! You made me all teary! Thank you so much dear, these words means the world to me, it means I haven;t forgotten of being me on my blog. Cab I hug you? - I just did!

    PS: Don't Forget this giveaway ends tomorrow!

  2. Your welcome, Ana! You are a daily inspiration. Hugs back!
