Friday, May 17, 2013

who am i

More Facebook Frustration or Who Am I

The other day, frustrated over my lack of friends on facebook, I added many many new friends who I didn't know - friends of friends I admire, respect, and like. Spiritual-minded friends. My news feed is now filled with enlightening and inspiring art, photographs, and messages. I have to wonder if these incredible people will regret friending me when they find out who I am. I am just a simple woman. I try to lead a spiritual life but know I have far to go and with little money and a young daughter, I tend to be focused on worldly things like sustenance and survival. I sometimes eat meat and refined sugars. I love the frozen food aisle at the grocery store and my home is a mess. I worry more about the state of my wallet than the state of my soul. And I still play with Barbies.

The worst part is now I feel like I have to censor myself on facebook. That somehow my messages must be inspirational and hopeful - whether I feel that way or not. Do I be brave and bare myself to these hundreds of deep thinking, deep feeling people and risk being rejected. Or...I don't know the "or" in this situation. The truth is I only know how to be myself. Barbies and all...


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