Wednesday, February 1, 2012

9 breaths

The last few days, I have been feeling extremely scattered. I can't concentrate, everything I touch I either drop or knock over. I am short-tempered and fearful. I'd like to blame it all on the solar flares (!) and, in part, I probably can. When I feel this way, I need to ground and bring myself back in energetic balance.

Mostly to remind myself, I thought I'd post the method I use to ground. There are many ways. This is just a combination of what I have learned and what works for me. Maybe it will work for you, too.

Side note: You can do this in three breaths and even one breath, once you get used to the procedure. I have found, if you have the time, 9 breaths works really, really well.

Grounding, Filling with Light, and Centering in 9 Breaths

-Find a quiet, comfortable spot.
-Choose a comfortable seat with back support.
-Place your feet firmly on the ground/floor. Feel the solidity of the Earth under your feet.
-Place your hands palm down on your thighs.
-Close your eyes.
-Take a few deep, cleansing breaths.
-When breathing, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth with a soft “Ha” sound, slightly lifting the corners of your mouth as you breathe out.

-Shift your awareness to the base of your spine.
Breath 1: On the exhale, imagine a thick, central grounding cord extending from the base of your spine into the center of the earth.
-Return your awareness to the base of your spine.
Breath 2: On the exhale, send two cords down your legs and out the bottoms of your feet into the center of the earth.
-Breath 3 is actually 5 or so breaths called “bellows breath.” Bellows breath – breathe in through the nose and exhale with a short, heavy “Ha.”
Breath 3: Using bellows breaths, on each exhale draw the Earth energy into your body through the two cords you sent down through your feet. Bring the red, hot Earth energy up through your feet and ankles, then into your calves, then knees, then thighs, then to the base of the spine where they meet the central grounding cord. Allow the energy to fill your body. Feel the energy warm and relax you, filling every cell of your body.
-Take a moment to recognize how your body feels. THIS is what it feels like to be grounded.

Filling with Light
-Shift your awareness to your abdomen.
-Imagine a golden sun about 10 inches above your head. This is your source of Solar energy. Feel its warmth and light.
Breath 4: On the exhale, gently drip this golden light in through the top of your head and down your spine. Imagine it spreading through your body and filling every cell with Divine Light.
Breath 5: On the exhale, bring the light in through the top of your head. Imagine the golden light is gently filling your heart until the light overflows your heart and fills every cell of your body with your own loving energy.
Breath 6: Breathe the light in again through the top of your head into your heart. Let it overflow your heart and your entire body until you are surrounded by a golden oval shaped energy field – in front of you, behind you, above you, and below you.

-Keeping your awareness in your abdomen, imagine a blue flame about 15 inches above your head.
Breath 7: On the exhale, bring the flame down the front of your body, under your feet, and up your back to meet back at the top of your head.
Breath 8: On the exhale, bring the flame down the side of your body, under your feet, and up your other side, meeting at the top of your head.
Breath 9: On the exhale, bring the flame down around you in a spiral so that your golden oval shaped energy field is surrounded, without any gaps or holes in your protective layer.

-Sit and experience the sense of being grounded to the Earth and surrounded by your protective blue flame. When you are ready, move around gently and go on with your day.
-Throughout the day, keep your awareness in your abdomen, in your center. If you find it shifting, take a breath and bring it back to center.

chakra stones

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